
Case Report

Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: case report

Pedrós García Sergio, Yakasova Elena, Roquet-Jalmar Saus María, Gutiérrez González Nuria and Mercedes Noboa Edwin*

Published: 28 January, 2022 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-003

Pneumomediastinum is the presence of free air within the mediastinum. As a general rule, it occurs in the presence of underlying lung disease and if it does not exist, it is called spontaneous pneumomediastinum. We present a case of a 53 years old asthmatic patient which further investigation revealed to be consistent with spontaneous pneumomediastinum. He underwent medical treatment with relative rest, oxygen therapy, and prophylactic antibiotic therapy, in addition to his usual asthma treatment. There was a clinical and radiological improvement with complete passive reabsorption of air and the patient was discharged on the 4th day and referred to the pulmonology department for consultation. During 2 months follow-up period, there were no signs of recurrence.

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Spontaneous pneumomediastinum; Asthma; Subcutaneous emphysema


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